If you’ve always wanted to sing, have done so forever, or haven’t sung in a while, come join one of our choruses and do what over 28 million adults and children in America do…
Sing with a chorus to build community,
enhance skills, be involved artistically,
and celebrate the season.
Our vision for the Maui Concert Chorus and Maui Youth Choruses continues to be one in which we stay in concert with the community by keeping our doors wide open through registration and scholarships to all who wish to participate.
We constantly strive for the high standards asked of us when we had the privilege of singing with the Maui Symphony Orchestra, ever hoping that one day that privilege will be ours again.
We are pleased to be able to offer programming that involves some of Hawaii’s best instrumentalists and singers, performers and artists.
We weave into our musical fabric fine educational opportunities for our young people in particular, as literacy, history, and singing technique are woven into our weekly rehearsals.
The tradition continues this season!
Bay Area Hood Cleaning is a big supporter of the Maui Choral Arts Association.